Our mission is to empower professionals, entrepreneurs and communities in global sustainability

CDG is committed to creating and continuously improving international projects, consulting, and effective learning methods for diverse industries and communities sustainable development needs.
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We help you fuel your personal development by offering 

Quality Content

Peer-reviewed knowledge sourced from the top academic and industry specialists and practitioners

Expert Knowledge

From those highly trained and experienced in global sustainability worldwide

Industry Best Practices

Providing our students with the knowledge gained and used by the top experts in the field

Best-in-Class Case Studies

We share the case studies which provide the greatest examples of how sustainability is being implemented

Our partnerships

To offer top quality training and digital certifications, we believe it’s key
to partner with the best organizations and individuals in all sectors.

Lead Instructor

Our expert trainers will unveil the top practices and techniques required to nurture your
educational adventure at an affordable cost. For example, our lead instructor, Dr. Scott Phipps, is a PhD in international environmental law and is formally recognized by the United Nations for his expertise and achievements in international sustainable development around the globe. He will be sharing both his extensive educational training and direct field experience with you.

Explore our professional courses now!

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